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Did you know registered medical cannabis patients pay over 45% less on qualified products?
Due to a recent change in Washington State law, medically qualified products are tax exempt from the 37% excise tax as well as state and local sales taxes. (RCW 69.50.535)
Already a medical patient? Shop our medical menu
Contact your healthcare provider to see if medical cannabis is right for you. Once you've obtained a medical authorization from your provider, Call any Western Bud to schedule an appointment with one of our certified specialists and get your medical cannabis card.
Sunday to Saturday
8:00 to 11:30 PM
BELLINGHAM (360)-933-1133
BURLINGTON (360)-982-2258
ANACORTES (360)-293-4200
For more information on medical cannabis visit the Washington State Department of Health website here:
disclaimer: prior to completion of your state registration as a medical cannabis patient, all patients must receive a medical authorization from their physician
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